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Pieter van Tilburg

“Complexity is something tax law doesn’t need. Let’s keep it simple.”


Fiscaliteit is een complex en (mede daarom) onbekend terrein, dus je moet er wel een studie van hebben gemaakt om het goed te kunnen duiden. De gemiddelde Nederlander heeft die kennis niet. Het maatschappelijk discours toont dat zo’n gebrek aan kennis zich gemakkelijk laat aanvullen door wat men vluchtig leest op zijn nieuws-app, vaak enkel de headlines.

De nieuwsbronnen die men raadpleegt, hebben daardoor een grote impact op de toon van het debat, terwijl diezelfde nieuwsbronnen vaak op eendimensionale wijze een conclusie verbinden aan iets dat juist nuancering behoeft. Daarom zul je mij mij op Linkedin zien uitspreken tegen oneigenlijke framing in de fiscaliteit. Voor wie het interesseert.

Los daarvan bijt ik me graag vast in fiscale jurisprudentiële complexiteit als annotator bij gerenommeerde vakbladen, en pak ik -als het even kan- Excel erbij om de fiscale materialiteit te kwantificeren.

Kortom: de fiscaliteit geeft mij de juiste energie.


Taxes are a complicated and often unfamiliar subject, so you really need to study it to understand it properly. Most people don’t have that knowledge. You can see in society that this lack of understanding often gets filled by whatever people skim on their news apps—usually just the headlines.

The news sources people rely on have a big influence on the tone of public debate. But these same sources tend to oversimplify topics that really need more nuance. That’s why you’ll see me on LinkedIn speaking out against unfair framing in discussions about taxes—for those who are interested.

Aside from that, I love diving into complex tax cases as a contributor for reputable professional tax journals. And whenever possible, I’ll pull out Excel to break down the numbers and make sense of the financial side of things.

In short: taxes give me the energy I need.

I have publications in the Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Fiscaal Recht (Sdu’s Dutch Journal for Tax Law, known by the acronym NTFR) and in the Weekblad Fiscaal Recht (Wolters Kluwer’s Weekly Tax Law Journal, known by the acronym WFR).

Some of Pieter van Tilburg’s website content includes:

And much, much more. If you are looking for tax advice (fiscaal advies) on any tax-related subject, feel free to reach out to Pieter van Tilburg or one of his colleagues.

To book a time with Pieter van Tilburg, please use the following Calendly link to schedule a quick 15-minute videocall!


Special areas of interest

Fair Market Value
Management Incentive Plans / Employee Participations
Fiscal Investment Institutions
International corporate and personal tax
Incentive Plan

What can we do for you

Strange to say… but do you enjoy tax too?

Multinationals & Corporates

Choose the boutique approach for your organization’s tax positions. Our experienced team promises you direct lines and refreshing advice.

Startups & Scaleups

Let us help you find the room in your cashflow for growth, and the leverage in your tax functions to optimize your company value.

MidCap &
Family Owned Business

Let’s join tables and talk taxes. With our positive and swift approach to tax services, we support your focus on all things else.

Private Clients

Deep dive into your personal achievements and future plans with us. We’d love to help you design the landscape if you tell us what’s on your horizon.